Blessings Flow…

Every Sunday (except during specific church seasons), flowers adorn the altar. Anyone is welcome to donate for these flowers in honor of an occasion. Some donate as a memorial, some as a thanksgiving, and some in honor of a loved one. If you are interested, please sign up in the back of the church. An “Altar Flower” poster hangs on the wall awaiting volunteers. Sign up with your name, phone number, and the occasion. As for a donation, you may either make a monetary donation (a suggested donation of about $35 should suffice), or you make bring your own flowers to be arranged (speak to an altar guild member to set up a time to deliver the flowers to the altar guild, usually on Saturday).

If you are interested in making regular tithing donations to St. Andrew’s, pledge forms can be found in the back of the church. You may also contact the church secretary to pick up a form.

Donations are always welcome. Include your name and address and we can send you a statement at the end of the year of your total donations made. We are also accept donations online! Click on the link below and you will be brought to our donations page. You will have the opportunity to just make a simple donation or designate your donation to one of our ministries (i.e. Gardening Guild, Flowers, Altar Guild, Building Fund, or any other donation that we may mention at our Service). You may also enter your pledges here (there is even an option for recurring donation)! Just type in the space provided of where you would like your donation to go under “Designate Donation”. If nothing is typed, we will assume that it is for our general fund. So thank you in advance for your donation! Of note, we are a non-profit organization, but there is a 2.2% fee charged by PayPal to your transaction. That fee is subtracted from your donation and is not tax deductible.

Click here to show your support.