Our Ministries

Serving is one of the greatest joys. Here are a few of the serving opportunities we have at our church that may interest you.

Prayer Chain
Maybe you need prayer. Maybe someone you know needs prayer. And maybe you want to pray for others. Just let us know. Give us a call or stop by on Sunday at 10am.

Greeters and Oblation Bearers
Greeters and Oblation Bearers greet visitors and parishioners as they arrive at church, and maintain the visitor’s book at the church entrance way. During the Holy Eucharist, they bring forth bread and wine to the altar.

Altar Guild
We have teams of parishioners who volunteer their time to care for various items that are used during the service, to prepare the church for service, and to preserve the sanctity and beauty of the sanctuary. They also bake the bread for the service and arrange the altar flowers.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers (or EMs) assist the clergy by reading lessons during worship, by leading prayers, and by acting as chalice bearers during the distribution of Holy Eucharist.

Lectors serve by helping with the reading of the lessons during the services.

Pastoral Care
This group consists of certified Lay Eucharistic Ministers who visit disabled or home-bound parishioners to administer Holy Eucharist. Members of the Pastoral Care Network also provide help as necessary to the ill, infirm, or troubled.

Coffee Hour
Parishioners volunteer to provide refreshments following our Sunday morning services.

Garden Guild
If you have a green thumb, or maybe a blue thumb that needs a little help to turn green, we have gardens that need tending.

Targeted Giving
We are looking for donations for our building fund to keep things working. If you are able to help with these needs, it would be greatly appreciated. The church floor needs work too. If you can help with any of these, please let us know. Click Here to submit your donation.

Money from your redeemable cans and bottles goes regularly to good causes. Bag them at the south side of the Parish Hall.
Valley Churches United Missions Food Drive
We are available to collect donations for non-perishables and toiletries to bless and bring over to our neighbors.