Kids of All Ages

But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. – Luke 18:16

All children, all ages, are welcome to participate in all events. The possibilities are endless. This includes being part of the service, participating in studies, performing readings or music, helping at dinners, or even helping out with taking care of the parish.

We welcome children to our service. We love their noises and it brings joy to our hearts. All of our services are family friendly and we can’t wait to see yours!

If there are any children interested in being part of the service (acolyting, ushering, etc), just let us know and we can provide that as well.

We are so proud of our youth and their passion for service. There are many other activities our kids participate in. They help the Gardening Guild, the Altar Guild, play music during the services, and bake cookies for Coffee Hour. There is something for everyone. Come join us and enjoy watching your kids find their place in our family.