

The bell rings loud, signaling that your moment is about to begin. The bride passes by the giant redwood tree that stands before the steps of the century-old “little red church” nestled in a small mountain town. As the bride enters through the arch, the church’s pipe organ begins to play the majestic procession song of old. Family and friends stand to welcome the bride as the light of the sun shines through the stained glass windows of the church, casting a beautiful glow and ambiance all around. The long-awaited ceremony seems to speed by and before you know it, the officiant is saying, “I now pronounce you man and wife.” The bell rings again, as it has for many years, ringing out the proclamation of the newly joined couple. When you have dreamed about your wedding day, this is exactly what you had imagine.

Give us a call at (831) 336-5994 to talk about your special day.
