Our Organ

staorganpipe1The church organ was specially built and installed for St. Andrew’s by Preston Boomer in 1960, with the help of his high school students, and his friend ,the late Bill Reed, who was a professional organ builder. Boomer spent his inheritance from his grandfather, Preston H. Boomer, to buy the pipes for the organ, and it is dedicated to his memory.

The organ of St. Andrew’s Parish Church has seven ranks. The original three rank design (in 1958) by Bill Reid, was expanded to seven ranks by The Boom (Preston Boomer) and his students in 1973. By placing the pipes on the back wall, no church space was sacrificed.

The Stop List:
8′ Gemshorn 61 note
8′ Bourdon 73 note
4′ Spitz Principal 73 note
8′ Rhorflote 73 note
8′ Oboe 61 note
8″ Krummhorn 61 note
16′ Bourdon 12 note
414 Pipes Total

Two Manual Console with Pedals, Direct Electric Action, unified to 32 stops!

Baroque voicing, wind pressure 60 mm of water.

Want to hear our organ in action? Click here!